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Direct Link for an already-shared folder or file

FileCloud IT Services shared this idea 3 years ago
Needs Review

If I share a folder "abc" publicly with no password required, I will get a link like this:

If I then click the button to create a "Direct Link" for that folder, I will get a link like this:

This Direct Link requires users to log in.

The new feature/behavior we would like to request is this:

1.) If I request a Direct Link to a folder that has already been shared publicly, the Direct Link should be the public share link:

instead of a password-protected link:

2.) Furthermore, similar functionality should work for creating a Direct Link to a subfolder or file within a publicly shared folder. For example, if there is a file called inside the publicly shared folder abc, then if I request a Direct Link to, I should get this public share link:

instead of a password-protected link:

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