Hide Items under User icone except the one to change password

Fateh Bouzid shared this idea 2 years ago
Needs Review

To avoid users get confused, customer is asking to enable an option in FileCloud to hide all items under user icone on the right top corner (user Portal), and keep only the option to change password which is under settings.

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Replies (1)


Thanks for your feature request.

Can I ask for more detail, to make sure I understand what you need? Is there any particular reason for this request?


We got request from customer, according to their client , There are a number of submenus that can confuse the user, so they want to see only option to change password, so I think when they ask their client to change their password, they will be lost with all those submenu, and because also the change paswword option is under user/settings/ not directely under user.


Thanks for the feedback,

I understand why your client is interested in this feature! That said, we aren’t planning on building this feature, at least not soon.

We have limited development resources until Q4, but we plan to revisit backlogged feature requests as soon as we’ve worked through our current plan. With that in mind, please let us know if there’s anything else you’re interested in

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