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Mounting filesystem in "plain files"

Thomas M. shared this idea 6 years ago
Needs Review

This might be a long shot but one of the attractive additions to the Seafile system is that they made a way to mount the block-based files in normal viewable files with this:

That way it is very easy to to point any kind of backup tool to monitor this folder; a backup that isn't relying on database or anything like that, but just plain file backup in worst case scenarios.

Is there anything like this in the works for filecloud or is it even something you would consider?

Replies (1)


Thanks for the feedback, we will consider it. At this time we do have the export tool to export the FC data out as normal files that can be backed up.




I know this is a late reply but this functionality is still on my wish-list.

The export files functionality cannot be used in this scenario. It means that I would have to export potentially terabytes of data in order to get plain files that can be backed up.

The thought is to mount all tenants (or a mount per tenant) which shows all files that exists in a read-only structure. Then a backup agent of any kind can monitor this mount and take backups to other backup solutions.


Thanks, understood.

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