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Remove Alert for "Email Send Failed You must provide at least one recipient email address."

David D. shared this idea 4 years ago
Needs Review


I really like the Daily Admin summary I get from FileCloud. It gives me a quick check to make sure everything is working good, as well as how much it's being used.

One thing that I wonder could be tweaked is the the alert for

Email Send Failed You must provide at least one recipient email address."

IMHO, this isn't any type of FileCloud issue. It's something that a user chooses to do when setting up a share.

As such, I consider it a false positive alert and it would be nice if it was not included as an alert.

If it could be removed that would be great. If not, no big deal.


Replies (1)


Thank you for sharing your ideas and for the thoughtful writeup.

You make an excellent point, and since we are currently planning our next two releases, this is a great time for us to consider how we might improve this particular experience. We will work to address this in the product in one of our upcoming releases!

Your feedback is greatly appreciated. This helps us better understand how to improve the product, not just for you, but for all FileCloud users. On the FileCloud Product Team we carefully consider everything that is submitted through this forum, so please keep sending these ideas!

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