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Ugly Windows Apps

Daniel Fehse shared this idea 5 years ago


I'm using now FileCloud I guess for about 3 years or so, startedwith version 12. But what suprising me is that these Windows apps are more orless the old (sorry to say) usless stuff. I love FileCloud, it is a greatproduct beside of this clients. It starts with this ugly interfaces, but withthat I cloud live if they do what they should. But unfortuntaly there are now 4installer and in every of this 4 apps I have the reenter always the sameinformation like URL, Username etc. And why 4? At least this Drive and SyncClient should be one app. After connection to my FileCloud Server I should seeall the resources I have access to and I should be able to choose which of thefolders I would to have also available when I don't have Internet connection.Also from there I should be possible to map drives so that the user have asimilar expirance like when he is in the office, e.g map a s:\ to . And why does thesync client doesn't support SSO? The client should start caching stuff that theuser requesting in why that it realise that when someone only has read rightand not allowing to change files and give error when the client tries to uploadthis files. At the moment it's a little nightmare to configure a Drive letter and take a few folders offline!? So meny clicks, some meny things to enter! Have a look at the Installable version of DropBox, this is really avery good implementation of sync client that is reliable and stable! Even Mircrosofts OneDriveis much much better then what FileCloud has at the moment. The request for such a robost goodsoltion that enhances the good old fileserver is huge, I have this kind ofdiscussion nearly every day. Everbody want's this features like versioning,sharing files, offline sync etc. But the bigger the fileshares are they have the less companieswants to move them to such silly thing like SharePoint. Dropbox ist definitlythe best solution when it comes the offline sync files but it at the end it isa conusmer not a enterprise solution b'c it is still not possible the make abackup!? And then there is Egnyte .. Also great but much to expensive.

I would love if someone at filecloud would read this input andmight share some of my ideas to develop a usable version of FileCloud Sync app

Replies (1)


Hi Daniel, thanks for the detailed feedback and for taking the time for this. I can assure you that this feedback and every feedback is being read by our engineering team management. We have had some ideas on this and is definitely in our roadmap. Thanks. Sathya - VP Engineering


It's nice to see that there are 'some ideas' but quite frankly a major overhaul of the client software is needed. I like the product as an administrator it's great but the client software itself - which is what the users experience - falls short on so many aspects. It's clunky, slow, prone to freezing if there's some sort of connection issue with the server, not particularly pretty, got some odd design choices.

Our competitors like OneDrive and Dropbox who are figuring out how to let the users see all files and folders without actually having them synced to their computer at the same time letting them, with ease, make folders 'always available offline'. These things are much needed and FileCloud Drive simply doesnt delivery, I'm sorry. It's slow and makes tons of requests, handles loads of files (like copying a large folder into Drive) terribly and I catch myself not recommending any users to use it - kinda sad!

Filecloud could be amazing with something similar to the SeaDrive client which Seafile have created, which is based on Dokany. If inspiration is whats needed then take a gander at that.


Can someone of FileCloud product engineers share what is planed with this sync apps, how the roadmap looks like. Unfortunatly I can't live with this kind of clients and when there is no clear statement I have to look for another product.

Rds Daniel


Our roadmap for Desktop clients include:

- Full SSO support for Sync and Drive

- Right click and overlay support for Sync on Mac OSX

- Improved UI look and feel

- Combining Sync and Drive into a single app


Ok, nice to hear but I don't see anything of this in the just released version 19.1. What is the time frame of this improved Desktop clients.

Rds Daniel Fehse


We don’t have a timeline yet for this, but we are looking into supporting this in the short term.


"Combining Sync and Drive into a single app" - can you elaborate on the plans regarding this? Does it mean that there will be a client that will be able to see all files - also non-synced ones - but still work in some sort of "offline mode"? The ultimate 'nice-ness' would be to have something like OneDrive's integration in Explorer, where you can select what folders you'd like to be offline accessible. Obviously I have my doubts that this functionality will come, seeing as the development of the client apps are at a snail's pace. It's a shame considering that the administration backend of the product is quite nice.

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