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WorkFlow: "Delete inactive Files" must delete Folders too

IPI Filecloud shared this idea 5 years ago
Needs Review

Currently the Workflow "If file was not modified for specified days" just deletes files with modified date older than the specified value.

However this leads to a bit of a mess in the workspace of our users in addition to the fact that manual actions are required to clean up the workspace. My suggestion would be that the folder's timestamp should be automatically refreshed each time a file in it is updated.

Replies (3)


Thanks for the feedback, we will look into supporting this in the future.


Is there any update on this? With 19.1 this is still an issue. I refer to my original posting:

However this leads to a bit of a mess in the workspace of our users in addition to the fact that manual actions are required to clean up the workspace. My suggestion would be that the folder's timestamp should be automatically refreshed each time a file in it is updated.

"a bit of a mess" is mildly expressed. There are hundreds of folders or folder hierarchies which have to be removed manually by the users.


The right way to accomplish such behaviour is using our new FileCloud retention feature.

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