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Change the severity of an alert

Gathering Customer Feedback Larab M. Comments: 1 Reply 7 months ago by Guest
1 vote

File Tagging

Needs Review Daniel A. 7 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Thumbnails for documents, photos and videos

Already Exists Robert W. 7 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Direct links to Network shared

Delivered Gilbert D. Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by FileCloud I.
1 vote

Granting Sync Permission only possible if enabled via Policy

Needs Review James V. 9 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Low tier raid drive File Archival

Needs Review James V. 9 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Portal to track all comments done in the system.

Needs Review Wail B. 9 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Need a Reports option for the Team folder summary

Needs Review Anuraj 9 months ago No Comments
2 votes

Allow long path lengths on networkshare

Needs Review Werner E. 9 months ago No Comments
3 votes

Email link to recipient when file uploaded (like wetranfer)

Needs Review Paul M. 9 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Version Comments

Needs Review Jim P. 9 months ago No Comments
2 votes

Transfer of folders from the android app

Needs Review Dave W. 9 months ago No Comments
2 votes

Add support for arm64 based processors

Needs Review Ravi D. 9 months ago No Comments
2 votes

Support ARM architecture

Needs Review Daniel B. 9 months ago No Comments
2 votes
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